Chinese descent's population super 1,300,000 California
California is whole beautiful Chinese descent's population most states, compare with president, congress and governor's election, the feeling of choosing of the Chinese descent of Lower House candidate in California, after the possibility in the Chinese people's small area is subjected to an attention more, but chooses this year, state Lower House Chinese descent's number is probably again creative high.
American Chinese descent votes tradition top to politics not more bent on, but increase gradually and also raised the will of Chinese descent's popular ballot wholesale sunglasses along with the Chinese descent candidate.
The survey result that investigates(National Asian American Survey) according to the national Asian American suggests that Chinese descent's votes in California contains 31% support Democratic Party, only 7% declares to support Republican party, the proportion that don't declare reaches to 61%.
According to the survey in last year, among more than 3700 myriad peoples of California, the Chinese descent population is a biggest Asian ethnicity more than 130 myriad people.
Lower House in California has 4 Chinese descent's congressmen currently:Square text loyalty, Ma Shi Yun and Pan's gentleman reaches and five great occasion of nations, among them, Ma Shi Yun is state Lower House to carry out a council chairperson;State Upper House also the enough Yin is good, Liu Yun Ping and Liu Xuan Qing 3 councilmen.
At state congressman election, Pan's gentleman reaches, square text loyalty will look for to serve another term in the election dated November 6, Ma Shi Yun's tenure has been full, in the future have intention to turn to fight tax member of committee in California, five great occasion of nations also make sure to hand over the baton;But also have the New appointee the horse, include D right sign, Jenny Wang, Yang Cheng Zhi and week originally sign and Lin Yuan Qing.
Five great occasion of nations represent 49 district constituencies, no longer election after, the order of seating vacating originally signs to contend for with Lin Yuan Qing from week.This district constituency is South California main Chinese descent the population cheap Buffalo Bills jerseys area is re- divided the line by district constituency, the Chinese descent in the district constituency population is more than one half also the only Chinese descent's votes more than 53% of district constituency.
In addition to 49 district constituencies outside, look for square text loyalty for serving another term and Pan's gentleman to reach to choose feeling Be optimistic about, square text loyalty can take from estimating 70% above ballot, Pan's gentleman reaches in the primary election to also lead opponent to be close to 20%, serving another term should reckon without.
Serve as San Francisco to estimate the D of being worth the officer right sign to turn to fight state of Lower House are Ma Shi Yun before contending for 19 district constituencies 12 district constituencies, the D is right to sign to also acquire Ma Shi Yun's endorsement, have the equal opportunity the club that can connect to dismount a life time cloud.
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