The global turmoil has four root
Today's world of economists need, like the plague s as badly need a doctor. But in today's best and most controversial "famous doctors" undoubtedly is a former the IMF chief metres nita. Strauss. Kahn.
19 at 9 a.m., when to get rid of the vortex "kahn appeared Beijing international hotel three floor, come to take part in the" 2012 netease economists convention "of the reporters, with pike sprint aimed at him.
The BBS's leading role in the morning is undoubtedly kahn. Published in half a hour of subject after the speech, he again and including LiDaoKui, XiaBin, ChenZhiWu etc. Several well-known experts is the debt crisis in global economic hot topics do two rounds of dialogue, and art in answering the more sharp questions. It seemed to the world declared: kahn coach remains.
In its theme speech kahn, points out that in the global economic turbulence has four root: one is the lack of very effectively economic adjustment mechanism; Second is the New Era Hats world being not a stable currency, capital outflows and flow into; Three is the lack of stable liquidity; Four is the lack of very safe assets supply.
According to the four root, he also issued his "medicine". For example, at present the global coordination mechanism, compared to the 2009 to weakening many; Led by IMF international financial organizations to strengthen the global capital outflows, flowing into supervision, etc.
And after extensive debate on the issues-China's 3 trillion reserve whether they should take out part of bailout in the European Union to debacle? MF President before to answer is kahn: China should help the European Union. Kahn think, with the globalization of economy, the unrest Europe and global will also affect China's economic development. As for how China is local help Europe, he suggested, China dc hats can through the IMF directly or indirectly ShiYuan the European Union.
According to the European debt crisis of global interest, kahn think, Europe debt crisis has not solved effectively, exposed is the European Union leadership crisis and real growth crisis, short-term is difficult to solve.
See mroe:Price reform can't be dearer FIG leaf
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